Settler colonialism occurs when colonisers invade and occupy territory to permanently replace the existing society with the society of the colonisers.
Roots of Settler Colonialism
Zionism: Settler Colonialism
A settler colonial Zionist supremacy identified Palestine a refuge for a Jewish theocratic state where native people were attacked on daily basis.
Ethnic Cleansing
Creation of Israel:
Genocide and Displacement of Native Population "Nakba"
Normalised Apartheid.
Normalised Apartheid
Zionist Myth!
"Land without People for People without Land" The crime against humanity of apartheid is perpetrated when particular serious human rights violations are committed with the “purpose of establishing and maintaining” a system of domination by one racial group over another and systematically oppressing them.
Apartheid Practices
Ethnic Cleansing
Expansion on expenses of indigenous population and their expulsion from their land are ongoing daily practices since the foundation of Israel in 1948.
Genocide is a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part.
Israel intention has been openly declared.
Collective Punishment
Arbitrary Military Rules for Native Population
with children arrest and torture.
Daily Life under Apartheid
Work and School
Theocratic Jewish state is targeting non Jewish community on daily basis
Daily Commute
Modern History Comparison
Nazi Practices
and Segregations
Israeli Apartheid
Bantustan of West Bank and Gaza
Irish Struggle
and Dehumanisation
Foundations of Settler Colonial State
Militarization of Israeli Society
Settler colonial state needs armed clashes to justify its plan and the genocide of native population.
Disproportionate and Asymmetric Armed Resistance Fuelling Israeli Propaganda.
Paramilitary Settler Colonial Violence
Settlements expansion on Palestinian land.
Fanatic settlers armed by the state
Jewish Supremacy & Radicalised Youth
The system can corrupt humans
pushing them towards genocidal fascist mentality from early childhood.
Indoctrination & Brainwashing
Victimising Oppressor
Fuelled and Thrived by Armed Clashes
Dehumanising Natives
to justify Apartheid regime and blindness towards Palestinian suffering
Mystical Promise
While native population expelled without any right to return, any Jew born elsewhere have the right to gain Israeli citizenship at any time on Palestinian land
Economic & Military
Ghettos and Bantustan
Labs for Testing
New Weapons
Arm Industry
Fueled and Thrived by Armed Clashes
Blindness & Indifference
Not only Physical Separation
between 2 communities.
Censorship of Palestinians and their suffering in Israeli media, focusing on Israeli Supremacy.
Institutionalized Apartheid:
2 Legal systems for 2 communities.
Israelis emerged in restless indoctrination, unable to recognize oppression of natives.
Sexy Military representation and genocidal popular chants encouraged across many layers of Israeli society during Gaza bombardment.
Israeli Colonial Force
ICF vs IDF Myth
Strong PR ready to deny daily crimes.
David vs Goliath
Native population vs settler colonial invaders.
Genocidal Supremacy
Combination of supremacy and culture of hate towards dehumanized native population.
Genocidal incitement from the top to the bottom thru all society layers.
Grassroots Unarmed
First Intifada
Shaked both Israel & Ineffective Armed Resistance in Exile
First Intifada Uprising
Popular laboratory of peaceful resistance exposed Israel to the world.
Unsuccessful and isolated armed resistance rushed for a deceptive secretive deal.
Grassroots Movement
Unarmed Resistance
Madrid Conference 1991
Mikhail Gorbachev & George Bush:
exceptional & promising gather.
PA Recruited by Israel
Leadership in Exile
Manipulated always to Serve and Fuel Israeli Purposes.
For decades, the leadership served regional powers and used to send youth to secure death for anniversary celebrations.
Rushed & Secretive Oslo Sellout
to keep Palestinian civil society under control and to eradicate First Intifada achievements,
in coordination with Israeli intelligence.
Settler Colonial Police Force
Hired by Israel
with Deceptive Inauguration.
AK47 flipped to M16
Settler Colonial
in Coordination with Israeli Intelligence
PA Mandate Dictated by Israel
PA has never been interested in building infrastructure for a productive and independent economy.
Main concern was bargaining work permits released by Israel.
Betrayal Actions masked by Patriotic Deceptive Rhetoric
The return of arm resistance in Exile recruited by Israel as a settler colonial police force, in coordination with Israeli intelligence.
Transactional Agreements between
Authoritarian Arab Rulers
and Apartheid State,
Following Oslo Betrayal,
Aiming to Legitimise
the Settler Colonial Apartheid.
Dormant & Negligent or Corrupt
Armed Clashes
Counterproductive & Unbalanced
Behind Doors
Gaza under Blockade since 2007
Under Occupation since 1967 Refugees since 1948
Peaceful Resistance
March of Return 2018
Systematically Attacked
by Israeli Snipers and drones
with PA Complicity
Israeli "Mowing the Lawn":
Operations Cast Lead (2008-2009), Pillar of Defense (2012), Protective Edge (2014), Decimation of Peaceful March of Return (2018), Operation Guardian of the Walls (2021), 2020 Bombardment, 2023 Genocide
Gaza Laboratory
for Testing Israeli
Prohibited Weapons
Genocide Textbook
Rooted in Israeli everyday Brainwashing:
- Dehumanisation Campaign
- Inciting Media
- Genocidal Intention
Holocaust and Rwanda
Mainstream Media Censorship
Activated for Execution:
- Carpet Bombing
- Ethnic Cleansing
- Starvation
Settler Colonial State
Israel: Above the Law
Double Standards: approved
Israel: excused
International Law: dismissed
Not applied on Israeli crimes
Colonial Powers
Legacy can we dominate the
East + South??
Settler Colonial Legacy
Active Actors
Mainstream Media / Google / X / Facebook / YouTube
Historical Complicity
Controversial PR Diplomacy
Lobby & Propaganda Machine
Weaponizing Antisemitism against any Criticism towards Israeli Crimes
Evangelical Christian Zionists
Biblical Interpretations & Messiah Return
Israel Historical Ties with Far Right & Antisemitic Movements
Common interests in Settler Colonial Project and Ethnocratic State
Universal Human Values
Common Fight:
I am free if you are free!
UN recognition
of Right to Resist
Occupation and Settler Colonial Regime
Courageous Journalism
Jews Against Zionism
I am not Free if You are not Free
Anti-Semitism is a crime
Anti-Zionism is a duty
Common Fight for Freedom
All Faiths Welcomed & Respected
Rooted Culture
Painting colours
Boycott Campaign
Global Grassroots Movement
for Human Rights
of First Intifada DNA
Project Mission
Applying a successful South Africa Boycott campaign to equivalent Israeli Apartheid